
Meet CleanUP

CleanUP is more than just a nonprofit organization. We meet the practical, everyday needs of people in our community.

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This is Clean UP

Check Out Our New Book!

Daddy, What Does Neighbor Mean?

You don't get to choose your neighbors; you can only choose to be a neighbor.

Every adult can remember back to their childhood when they played hide-and-seek at the neighbors', hand cookouts at Nicole and Billy's, had weekend swims at the Worley's, etc. While the names are different for your family, the moments are the same. The story of this father and son seeks to reinvigorate the desire to be a neighbor.

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Daddy, what does neighbor mean?

The genesis of CleanUP

Our founder, Jordan Allsup, conceived the concept for CleanUP during a period of personal struggle and uncertainty. The journey began with a simple idea — to create a mobile environment that could bring dignity and purpose to neighbor experiencing difficulties in the Dallas-Ft. Worth metroplex.

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How we've grown

Today, CleanUP has evolved into a multifaceted organization with a broader mission to redefine the essence of being a neighbor and to foster a sense of community like no other. Throughout our journey, we have continued to expand and evolve and we now serve all neighbors, regardless of their circumstances, through our uniquely designed mobile units.

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CleanUP's mission

Since day one, CleanUp’s mission has been to be the most neighbor-centric organization, where people engage with the services they need most in mobile care units that come to them.

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CleanUP's vision

As an organization, we aim to breathe new life into what it means to be a neighbor in your community.

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A blue banner with a quote from st. francis of assisi about CleanUP (972)-372-4672

Meet the CleanUP crew

The real people putting in the time, energy, and effort to make a difference for all neighbors in our community.

Jorden AllsUP

Founder and chief footwasher

Courtney AllsUP

Partnership director

Debbie Arnold

Volunteer coordinator

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Help us make an impact. Your donation helps us support neighbors in our community.

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A qr code that says clean with an arrow pointing up. about CleanUP (972)-372-4672
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